So what is in a name? Well, if you're a popular musician your name sums up your whole stance, it associates you with a genre in some cases, you'd be pretty surprised if a band with a name like Metallica or Megadeth didn't play heavy metal but lounge jazz.
So it's fitting that some of pops bright young things choose monikers which describe who they are and what they do, it's just that when they no longer are 'bright young things' but 'bright older more mature things' that some of those names jar.
Boyzone are no longer the fresh faced Irish lads of yore, and Boyz II Men are well beyond fatherhood themselves. Sonic Youth are now the elder statesmen (and women) of Alternative Rock whilst Neil Young is no longer as sprightly as his handle would suggest (OK, allright that's his real name and not much can be done with that).
What can you do? Albeit I'd welcome seeing Manzone on tour and pushing their latest single, whilst Men II Older Men are propping up the R&B charts, why, there is even room on the bus for Sonic Octogenerians (free travel in some areas as well...). Best bet is to avoid any age related naming, at least Westlife won't have the same problems as their Irish brethren.
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